• How To Get Rid of Acne and Acne Scars

    There's not a single person that hasn't had an occasional pimple. Most pimples don't cause issues, but constant acne breakouts can carry a myriad of problems. One may experience embarrassment, frustration, sadness, as well as scarring and accumulating expense. Those whom are prone to breakouts normally apply a cacophony of medicated creams or gels. But there is more to treating acne than just applying...
  • Stress & Skin Health- A Direct (and Indirect) Connection

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    Do You Know The Role That Stress And Emotions Can Play On Your Skin, Hair, And Nails? Ever notice that when you feel you are maxed out on the stress-o-meter, your appearance begins to suffer too? Hair starts thinning, nails become brittle, unexplained breakouts and inflamed skin become more visible. All of these physical symptoms reflect the mental state of your emotional well-being. Lowering...
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