• Are You Doing Too Much Harm To Your Skin?

    Are You Doing Too Much Harm To Your Skin? With countless skincare products on the market, you may be inclined to want to incorporate all of the popular ingredients into your regimen all at once. While having a great skincare routine with a lineup of amazing products is key to achieving your best skin, it is important to know what and how much of...
  • Benefits of Spirulina

      Spirulina is a blue-green algae and one of the most notable superfoods around. It's been said that you can live off of nothing more than Spirulina and some form of carbohydrate. You can take it internally by tablet or add it directly into smoothies, yogurt or juices or incorporate it into your skincare and body care products.   What does Spirulina do?  Best for...
  • 6 Beautifying Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid!

    What is Hyaluronic Acid? Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a polysaccharide that occurs naturally in body tissues including the skin and joints providing hydration, stability and lubrication.  It is also known as Hyaluronan and Hyaluronate and the commonly used salt form listed as Sodium Hyaluronate or Sodium Hyaluronic acid.    Along with Collagen and Elastin, our bodies' natural levels of Hyaluronic Acid decrease with age especially...
  • 6 Herbal Aphrodisiacs to Increase Your Sexual Wellness

    6 Herbal Aphrodisiacs to Increase Your Sexual Wellness   Many factors can contribute to a drop in one's libido. Illness, hormonal changes, nutritional deficiencies or even just the drain of everyday stress can create changes in mood and desire. Besides eating right, getting enough sleep, exercising and reducing stress, there are other ways to enhance your sexual desire, and herbs are a great way...
  • Best Natural Ingredients for Dry Skin

    How to Pick the Best Natural Ingredients for Dry Skin Dry skin is one of the most common skin concerns, but it's also easy to manage. Dry and red skin can result from weather changes, stress, and other external or internal factors. Here is a quick guide to making sure your skin care products contain the best and most nourishing natural ingredients to help your...
  • 24 Relaxing Gifts for Moms in Need of Some Serious Pampering

    24 Relaxing Gifts for Moms in Need of Some Serious Pampering featured in: WOMEN'S WORLD MAGAZINE February, 2020  You know those moms you wish would just slow down? The ones in need of some super intense pampering? Of course you do. (Heck, maybe you’re one of them!) Everyone — super moms included — need a little rest and relaxation in their lives from time to...
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